The “Engineering Power” – Bulletin of the Croatian Academy of Engineering is the journal for popularization of technological and biotechnological sciences, published by the Croatian Academy of Engineering. The journal is thematically conceptualized and published triennially or quarterly.

Every issue of the journal is a thematic unit edited by a Guest-Editor, and consists of an introductory article (limited to 1 page of A4 format), and 2-3 scientific, review or professional papers written in collaboration of guest-editor and his co-workers, specifically dealing with a selected topic. The total length of the thematic unit should not exceed 13 standard pages of A4 format, including bibliography/literature. One standard page contains 1800 characters, spaces included.

At the end of every issue is included an overview of news and newest activities of the Academy, respectively. The news overview is prepared by the HATZ News Editor.

The articles may be theoretical, empirical and applicative papers in all fields of technological and biotechnological sciences, and should primarily refer to specific projects or achievements of the Guest-Editor and his co-workers team.
The articles are not subjected to peer-review process and, consequently, are not scientifically categorized.

“Engineering Power” – Bulletin of the Croatian Academy of Engineering publishes the articles of the members of the Croatian Academy of Engineering and their coauthors and co-workers at the joint domestic, European, and international scientific, technological and industrial projects as well as the joint projects with their colleagues and co-workers from their affiliate institutions.

The Guest-Editor should inform, prior to preparation of the thematic unit, the Editorial Board about his intention to prepare the new issue of the journal in Croatian and/or English.

The “Engineering Power” is distributed without charge to the members of the Academy (natural persons), the scientific and professional public, peer scientific institutions and organizations, relevant state and public institutions, economic and industrial operators – supporting members of the Academy (legal persons), international associations of academies of engineering, technological and applied sciences, and to the international academies, respectively.

The papers are submitted in electronic format to the e-mail:, and in two copies of printed format to the address: Croatian Academy of Engineering,

“Engineering Power” – Bulletin of the Croatian Academy of Engineering in English

Editorial Board, 28 Kačić Street, PO Box 14, HR-10105 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia.

The papers should be prepared in MS Word format A4, with double spacing (annotation sand references included), in English, with wider margins and consecutively numbered pages. The authors of papers are responsible for orthographical and grammatical accuracy of texts as well as for proof-reading. On the first page of the article should be written name and surname, scientific-educational profession, affiliate institution and address, and e-mail of the author.
The papers are expected to be divided in the following chapters: title, authors, affiliate institution(s), e-mail, summary in English (not longer than 250 words), keywords in English (up to 5 words), introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.
The summary with the title in English in 10-15 lines states the purpose of the paper, methodology, results, and conclusion.
The sources quoted in the text are indicated in a shortened form (e.g. (Terze, 2002)).
If the paper resumes or literally quotes a part of a text, the page from which the citation is taken should also be indicated (e.g. (Terze, 2002:95)).
If several papers of the same author, published in the same year, are quoted, they should be indicated by alphabetical letters (e.g. a, b, c) after the year of publication (e.g. (Terze, 2002a, Terze, 2002b).
Bibliographical data should be accurate and complete.
At the end, all used and quoted papers should be listed in alphabetical order as follows:

Books: Terze, Z. (Ed.) (2014) Multibody Dynamics, Computational Methods and Applications. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, 2014

Chapters in books: Mueller, A., Terze, Z. (2014) “Modelling and Integration Concepts of Multibody Systems on Lie Groups”, in: Terze, Z. (Ed.) Multibody Dynamics, Computational Methods and Applications. Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer, pp. 123-143.

Papers in journals: Terze, Z., Mueller, A., Zlatar, D. (2016). „Singularity-free Time Integration of Rotational Quaternions Using Non-redundant Ordinary Differential Equations“, Multibody system dynamics, (38), 3: 201-225

The papers that are not prepared in accordance to the Instructions shall be rejected and returned to the authors.