“Engineering Power” Vol. 18(1) 2023

Editor-in-Chief: Vedran Mornar

Editor: Bruno Zelić

Guest-Editor: Tanja Pušić, University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology

ISSN 1331-7210 (Print)

ISSN 2718-322X (Online)




Editors’ Words

Functional relationships between the breaking forces of ultrasonic welds and the speed in relation to the electrical power of the ultrasonic generator

The Influence of Cotton/Polyester Blend Fabric Pre-treatment on Chitosan Functionalization

Assessment of polyester knitted fabrics and effluents from standard and innovative washing processes

Genetically engineered/modified fibres for the 21st century textiles and fashion

The European Community of Textile Research and Innovation Professionals 30th anniversary of the Croatian Academy of Engineering